

The internet and social media in particular, have changed how we meet and communicate.  When you participate in a social site remember this:     Even when we are not face-to-face we still deserve courtesy & respect. Unbridled use of profanity or graphic, aggressive sexual solicitation reveals a sense of entitlement and disregard for others, ignorance, lack of self control, and disrespect for those you are speaking to; this is never attractive. You can be fun, sexy, & interesting without being offensive or disrespectful, however it requires rising to a higher level of consciousness. HOW TO MONITOR YOUR BEHAVIOR To know you’re on the path of respect and consideration, use these keys to help you monitor your behavior; 1)  If you met in person would you be same?  If not, why not? 2) If you just met this person in a social situation would you say what you are saying here online? 3) Would you be proud of your behavior if your family knew this side of you? 4). Would you say or do this in the presence of your spouse, parents, friends, boss, etc? 5) and MOST importantly, Do you have consent to say or do what you are saying or doing?  If not, it might be considered harassment or worse, assault.


Raise the bar for yourself and others.  Life is short… wasting a moment doing, saying or being something you will regret is a sad use of your precious time.  The person you are communicating with via a social site might very well be the one sitting across from you in a future job interview…  a job you could use to feed your family.  Karma has an odd sense of humor.


First, please know that 99% of women HATE them and feel sexually assaulted by them.  Second, you need to take a look inward to better understand your motives, because clearly it’s not to seduce or entice someone into a sexual situation with you. Is it a power dynamic?  Are you insecure about your genitals?  Have you ever met a real woman?  These are the questions that go through the minds of the nonconsenting women you share your pics with.  We wonder if you have ever been sexual.  We assume you know nothing about women, sex, seduction, pleasure, consent or respect.  If this isn’t an accurate description of you, then stop it.  It’s creepy and disgusting. This applies to women sending crotch shots to strangers too.  Consent is the key operative word here. If you haven’t asked for permission, you are committing sexual assault against a non-consensual person. I challenge you to consider how you’d feel if your mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, neice or any woman you know got an unsolicited genital pic from one of your buddies?  You have to know these women you are assaulting are real people, with real feelings, families, lovers, children, grandchildren, etc. Humanize your socialization.  Just because you are looking at a screen doesn’t remove the fact another full human being is on the other side receiving what you’ve sent.
Be Conscious! Be Kind! Be Mindful! Be Humane! Wait for Enthusiastic Consent! Remember the Other Humans Involved!
-Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce Please send your feedback directly to

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  1. Benjamin James DeVoe

    Nancy while I agree with you on a foundational level about common practice of good manners I think you have overlooked a keystone of the shortcomings of neticate outside of professional chat exchanges. The Internet and forum posting is a social media platform at their core. Have you ever been broken up by text or a client that had that happen. Not communicating in person and online takes the emotional and impertive to make a effort for a person who doesn’t exist in a meaningful way in that circumstance. Expectations are just resentment and anger of putting our own at stuff on others. You have a responsibility and duty to communicate clearly your own rules and boundaries and not assume it is known.

    1. I wish you would have re-read your comment aloud before sending as it makes little sense to me and I’m struggling to glean your intent or message. If you care to explain or expand I’m happy to give it another shot.
      Dr. Nancy

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