Our unique signature Erotic Sensorium Experience

Hi, This is me, Dr. Nancy giving my crew the last minute pep talk about the importance of our sacred ELR Erotic Sensorium!  My mission is to always provide a safe, welcoming, respectful and most importantly, fully consensual experience for all of my guests and my team. 

Everyone Matters!
Dr. Nan

These beautiful women’s testimonials are captured immediately following our ELR Signature Sensorium.  This is part of our program during the Exotic Lifestyle Retreat the last week of June each year.

This is a retreat for women and those who adore them.  It’s not a couples focused retreat – as most of the guests are single women who are ready to take themselves to a new state of being.  

Single Men are welcome once they pass an interview with Dr. Nancy.  She carefully selects men who fully understand this is NOT going to be an event focused on men’s needs, but rather the needs, safety, enjoyment and pleasure of the women present.

The attendees often discover such things as their amazing bravery, vulnerability, ability to feel safe and to experience trust and love without expectations of them.  They learn that both men and women can hold a safe space for each other to uncover authenticity and do so with unprecedented compassion and compersion. 

This is a sacred, respectful, sensual, enlivening, erotic exploration into the unknown based on our key ELR concepts – 

  1. Enthusiastic Consent 
  2. Respect
  3. Safety & Trust
  4. Pleasure
  5. Vulnerability
  6. Unconditional Love
  7. Freedom
  8. Authenticity
  9. Non Shaming, Non Judgment
  10. Healing

And offered in a fun, sexy, freedom inspiring environment in Jamaica!

If you are interested in joining this life affirming adventure or any other retreats that Dr. Nancy offers… Please Visit Our Events Calendar!

“From the retreat you charged me to walk in my power and I have been doing just that every single day just a little bit more. So most definitely please feel free to share that video with the world as they need to know what can happens when they just trust and live!”  Lady J
Please Join Us in 2020!