ELR Reservation terms and conditions
Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce is an International Sexologist (she holds a Doctoral Degree in the field of Human Sexuality), a Sensual Yoga Master, Health and Relationship Expert, CEO of Exotic Lifestyle Retreats and long time Hedonist! Dr. Nancy will be Co-Hosting this year with her Kama Sutra Partner, Apollo, and the originators of Kama Sutra Fest, Dee and Sarge!
Are you ready to enjoy a deeper love and feeling of intimate connection with your partner?
Would you like some spicy playshops to learn new ways to explore your pleasures while enjoying the Hedonism Experience?
We are excited to add new dimensions to this year’s KAMA SUTRA FEST!
Of course it’s still Hedonism and the energy will be HIGH!
Dr. Nancy brings a unique Hedo spice-blend to Kama Sutra Fest, starting with the sexy seminars where Intimacy, Eroticism, & Sensuality merge.
We are thrilled to showcase our Sexy Seminars in the newly designed KAMA SUTRA PALACE, where the ambiance, comfort and privacy add a new level of freedom for couples to learn, explore and experience.
ELR Reservation terms and conditions
We hope to see you there!
Dr. Nancy & KS Team
“People go where they feel welcomed- People stay where they feel valued”
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