Exotic Lifestyle Retreats
Where: Exotic International Locations
When: TBA
Hosted by: Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce & Dr. Mark Pierce
Retreat Focus: Create a designer relationship, set clear and communicated intentions, deepen your understanding of compersion, refine intimate communication skills, & broaden understanding of desire, consent & boundaries.
Offers a similar intimacy Oasis program, with added spice for the more adventurous couples investigating the menu of consensually non-monogamous curiosities & agreements.
Designed For… Couples seeking to redesign their relationship with a renewed sense of trust, compassion, understanding and sexy FUN!.
We recommend this for couples considering dipping a toe into these sexy waters BEFORE they do. Having a map to help you navigate this lifestyle can greatly reduce the incidence of trauma to your sacred relationship.
These retreats are held for adults only, in places where clothing is optional, open minded, free-spirited couples are welcomed, & where hot topics & sexy practices are accepted without shame or judgment.
If you have already dipped your toes, (or dove in head first) and wish to reconvene to have a more unified approach, this is a great refresh program for you.
Send inquiries to DrNanELR@gmail.com
Women’s “Picker Fixer” Weekend
Where: West Coast, USA
When: TBA
Hosted by: Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce
Designed for: Women who seek a healing weekend to work on their pickers. Relationship status not relevant.
What is a Picker, you ask? It’s that part of our personality that attracts & invites people into our lives, our bedrooms and our hearts. Sometimes that picker needs a tune up. Some of us keep picking the same person expecting a different outcome.
This weekend will be healing on all levels. You will enjoy:
- Being with a supportive community
- Dr. Nancy’s Conscious Living yoga
- Yummy food/wine,
- Deep meaningful conversation, (some directed, some spontaneous)
- Nature walks & private time to journal
- No doubt a lot of laughter (with some tears of release too).
You are guaranteed to leave the retreat with a renewed sense of who you are and who you are consciously going to welcome into your inner sacred circle.
Send Inquiry to DrNancySuttonPierce@gmail.com
Kama Sutra “Intimacy Oasis” Retreats
Where: Send me your wish list!
When: TBA
Hosted by: Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce & Dr. Mark Pierce
Retreat Focus: Connecting or Reconnecting Couples – Body~Mind~Heart.
Designed For… Couples who desire deeper intimate connection, more love and understanding, healthier communication (feeling heard and safe) resulting in a much more satisfying sexual connection.
Couples seeking to refresh their relationship with a renewed sense of knowing each other, trust, compassion, understanding and sexy FUN!
This can be a very cleansing experience for couples who have been through a lot together, have drifted apart, don’t feel understood, heard or valued, but know there is love for each other present.
If you find yourself feeling lonely while in a relationship it can be a matter of disconnection and fear of rejection that can keep you from moving toward each other. This is a beautiful way to rekindle that spark you began with.
Send Inquiry to DrNanPractice@gmail.com