Freedom Fight Update

UPDATE MAY 15, 2023.  On “Knowledge Is Power”.  

Florida and the country’s list of vile discrimination laws are creating a humanitarian backlash!  This will not bode well for the GOP OR GQP at the polls.  They continue to go against what “THE PEOPLE” want, and serve their barbaric corporate donors. 

We need to END corporate power in politics!

“According to the latest data this year from PRRI, support for LGBTQ+ rights is on the rise in Florida and nationwide: 80% of Florida residents support nondiscrimination protections, and 66% of Florida residents oppose refusal of service on religious grounds. About eight in ten Americans (80%) favor laws that would protect LGBTQ+ people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. This reflects a dramatic increase in the proportion of Americans who support nondiscrimination protections since 2015, when it was 71%.


What happened to the hippocratic oath?  The primary tenet, and one of the promises within that oath is, “first, do no harm”. 


The anti-(LGBTQ+, women’s rights, children’s rights, equal rights, POC rights, Voting rights) movement is a sickenly desperate move by the GOP to gain power when they have zero plan to improve the country for all Americans – they seek only to solidify the cis-gender, christian-nationalist, white male supremacy status.  A status based on falsehoods dating back centuries that are currently being overwhelmingly proven to be just that… falsehoods of superiority.  

“If you deny care to an individual, not because of your own qualifications, confidence in your abilities, known, proven, or sanctioned practices by scientific or licensing bodies, but because of your personal beliefs, you are inflicting harm.”  Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce

Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce, Author & Human Rights Advocate

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